
Cyber Security-as-a-Service (CSaaS)

Superior Protection Unbeatable Price

As our digital tapestry expands, the nuances of cyber threats and vulnerabilities become more intricate. At Team Karimganj (TeamK), we believe that top-tier security shouldn’t come with an exorbitant price tag. Introducing our comprehensive Cyber Security-as-a-Service (CSaaS) – where elite cyber protection meets unmatched cost-effectiveness. 

Why Opt for TeamK’s CSaaS?

Affordability Meets Excellence

In an industry where the term “cyber” often equates to high costs, TeamK breaks the norm. Our services are, on average, 60% more affordable than our competitors, without compromising on quality.

Beyond just security, we offer assurance. Our Alpha XDR platform provides an encompassing 360-degree security shield, ensuring continuous monitoring and real-time threat mitigation.

  • Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysts: Stay ahead of adversaries. Our dedicated analysts deep dive into the vast cyber realm, fetching valuable insights to predict and prevent potential threats. 
  • Cyber Security Incident Response Analysts: In the event of a security breach or threat, our incident response team swings into immediate action, ensuring minimal damage and rapid recovery. 

Recognizing that each enterprise is distinct, our cybersecurity solutions are bespoke, aligned perfectly with your business’s unique digital DNA.

By leveraging the latest in cybersecurity technology, TeamK ensures your defenses are always ahead of emerging threats.


TeamK's CSaaS Offerings

  • Intelligent Threat Detection: With our embedded analysts and Alpha XDR platform, gain proactive insights into looming cyber threats, ensuring you’re always prepared. 
  • End-to-End Endpoint Security: Comprehensive protection for all your devices against evolving malware, ransomware, and phishing threats. 
  • Network and Cloud Defense: From fortifying network perimeters to ensuring cloud data integrity, TeamK has got it all covered. 
  • Incident Recovery and Redressal: In the rare event of a breach, our incident response team ensures swift resolution, damage control, and future threat prevention. 
  • Compliance and Regulation Navigation: Streamline your journey through the intricate landscape of industry regulations with TeamK’s expert guidance. 

Unmatched Benefits with TeamK

  • Scalable Solutions: As your business landscape evolves, TeamK’s CSaaS offerings seamlessly adapt, ensuring consistent protection. 
  • Elite Team, Affordable Cost: Access a team of top-tier cybersecurity professionals without the hefty price tag. 
  • Holistic Focus: With TeamK managing your cyber front, channel your resources and energy into driving business growth and innovation. 


Cybersecurity is essential, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. With Team Karimganj’s CSaaS, get the best of both worlds – unparalleled cyber protection at unbeatable prices. 

Our Success Stories


An industry-leading American company, renowned for its prowess in cyber threat intelligence (CTI), sought to delve deeper into the vast, obscure realms of the Dark Web. The objective? Expand their intelligence collection to provide unparalleled insights for their global clientele. 

Challenge:  The ambitious expansion plans were met with significant challenges: 

  1. High Operational Costs: Skilled CTI analysts, especially those adept at Dark Web intelligence, command premium remuneration in the US. The prohibitive costs associated with hiring an in-house team of such specialists rendered it an unsustainable option. 
  1. Unsuccessful Vendor Partnerships: Initial endeavors to outsource this task met with subpar results. The company’s stringent requirements for quality and depth of intelligence were not met, leading to a quest for a partner who could match their expectations. 

The TeamK Solution:  Upon partnering with Team Karimganj (TeamK): 

  1. Dedicated Expertise: TeamK immediately recognized the magnitude and specificity of the requirement. They set up a dedicated team of 15 CTI analysts, each trained and skilled in navigating the intricate layers of the Dark Web. 
  1. Integration & Training: To ensure seamless integration with the American company’s existing operations, TeamK conducted intensive, bespoke training sessions for the analysts, aligning them with the company’s standards, tools, and methodologies. 
  1. Continuous Monitoring & Feedback: Regular feedback loops were established to ensure real-time modifications, improvements, and alignment with the dynamic requirements of Dark Web intelligence. 


  1. Exponential Growth in Sourcing: With TeamK’s expertise, the company witnessed an unprecedented 250% increase in sourcing from the Dark Web. 
  1. Burgeoning Intelligence Data Points: The depth, granularity, and relevance of intelligence increased manifold, recording a spike of over 500% in intelligence data points. 
  1. Significant Cost Savings: One of the most pivotal impacts of this partnership was the tremendous cost advantage. By collaborating with TeamK, the American company achieved close to 80% cost savings, allowing them to reinvest in other strategic areas. 

Conclusion:  By choosing TeamK as their strategic partner, the American cyber threat intelligence pioneer not only magnified their intelligence collection operations but also achieved it in a remarkably cost-effective manner. The success of this collaboration underscored TeamK’s capability to deliver top-tier results at unmatched value, solidifying their reputation as a preferred partner for cyber intelligence operations. 

Introduction: A forward-thinking American technology enterprise, with a specialization in AI-based HR solutions, was grappling with the intricacies of its Security Operations Center (SOC). With an expansive IT landscape that included over 100 production and test servers, and thousands of endpoints, the manual oversight using traditional Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools was becoming a substantial bottleneck. 

The Challenge: The enterprise faced multifaceted challenges: 

  1. Inefficiency and Rising Costs: Operating a 25-member team exclusively for SOC meant significant financial outlay. The annual expenditure to ensure cybersecurity was escalating to hundreds of thousands of dollars. 
  1. Alert Fatigue: The SIEM system’s propensity to generate numerous false flag alerts led to overwhelming alert fatigue. This not only diverted resources but more alarmingly, resulted in actual threats getting overlooked. 
  1. The Quest for Innovation: The management, recognizing the imperative need for a shift, were on the lookout for a transformative, cost-effective solution. 

The TeamK Intervention: Enter Team Karimganj (TeamK) with their state-of-the-art Alpha XDR open Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platform: 

  1. Holistic Integration: TeamK undertook the task of integrating the client’s entire IT infrastructure under the Alpha XDR platform, providing a unified solution. 
  1. Automated AI & Machine Learning: Alpha XDR’s AI-driven automated threat hunting and incident response capabilities revolutionized the company’s approach to cybersecurity. The system could intelligently discern genuine threats, drastically reducing false flag alerts. 
  1. Streamlining Operations: The innovative use of AI not only increased efficiency but also allowed the company to scale down their incident response team from 25 to a mere 3 specialists, leading to significant cost savings. 

Outstanding Outcomes: 

  1. Enhanced Threat Detection: Post-integration with Alpha XDR, there was a 70% surge in the identification and mitigation of security incidents. 
  1. Near-Zero False Alerts: The AI-driven system ensured that false flag alerts were virtually eliminated, ensuring focused and effective security oversight. 
  1. Monumental Cost Savings: Beyond the operational efficiencies, the company recorded a staggering annual saving of over 65% in their cybersecurity budget. 

Conclusion: TeamK’s Alpha XDR platform proved to be a game-changer for the American tech enterprise. Not only did it fortify their cybersecurity posture, but it also showcased how innovation, when aptly harnessed, can lead to operational excellence and significant financial savings. This collaboration stands testament to TeamK’s commitment to deliver cutting-edge, value-driven cybersecurity solutions to its clients. 

Redefine your cybersecurity strategy without straining your budget

Connect with TeamK today and discover a new paradigm in affordable, top-tier cyber defence. 


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